사단법인 태권도공제조합

by (주)두꺼비넷



Taekwondo jongyeonghaopneun your familyFinally, near one year abroad at the end of a half shell height of effortsTaekwondo Taekwondo ever accept the first accept the cooperative associationIt has been launched.This feat of Taekwondo families, including low-interestPride also.In a single instrument therefore befitting that boasts the worlds largestIt established a cooperative association and realize the future of Taekwondo paradigmIt feels closer to standing stride.We all have to Hangil towards goal only like yesterdaySold by going to write a new history is the protagonistAnd I will thank you.The first is a weak four latter, as the Bible says we hariraneun sills and dreamsHopefully, if another naahgan join forces in the nucleus of the future taegwondogyeI think it is in possession of developing indefinitely.Im sure the success of the cooperative association shall soon be the cornerstone of our dreams come true.I wish for your home hasigil full of happiness.Thank you.Taekwondo corporation Mutual Aid Association Chairman gimgyeongdeok lift